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4 | | 求人広告市場を利用する飯場の労働実態 : X建設での参与観察をもとに|An Actual Condition of Construction Laborers' Camps : Through a Case Study of a Construction Company which Advertises Workers in Mass-media|渡辺, 拓也|Watanabe, Takuya|||市大社会学|The Annuals of Association, O.C.U.|13||2012-12|紀要論文 |
5 | | 日露戦後の海軍と民衆 : 海軍記念日講話関係資料の分析を中心に|Relation between the navy and the public After the Russo-Japanese War : Focus on the analysis of materials about lecture in the Navy Memorial Day|中嶋, 晋平|Nakajima, Shinpei|||市大社会学|The Annuals of Association, O.C.U.|13||2012-12|紀要論文 |
6 | | 大災害の被災経験と民族関係 : 阪神・淡路大震災がもたらした影響の検証|The Effects of Experience of Suffering Heavy Damage from the Earthquake on Ethnic Relationship : A Case of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake|二階堂, 裕子|Nikaido, Yuko|||市大社会学|The Annuals of Association, O.C.U.|13||2012-12|紀要論文 |
7 | | 学歴別にみる沖縄の人々の生活構造 : 「那覇都市圏意識調査」のデータをもとに|The personal network of the people in Okinawa by educational background : Focused on the consciousness survey in Naha Metropolitan Area|上原, 健太郎|Uehara, Kentaro|||市大社会学|The Annuals of Association, O.C.U.|12||2011-09|紀要論文 |
8 | | 監視/防犯カメラ映像のテレビ番組における利用 : 社会的分類と他者表象|Kanshi/bouhan(surveillance/security)cameras on TV programs : Social sorting and representaion of the Other|松井, 広志|Matsui, Hiroshi|||市大社会学|The Annuals of Association, O.C.U.|12||2011-09|紀要論文 |
9 | | 韓国系キリスト教会に集う人々 : その生活と信仰の世界|Gathering people in Korean churches in Osaka : Their lives and beliefs|植田, 千晶|Ueda, Chiaki|||市大社会学|The Annuals of Association, O.C.U.|12||2011-09|紀要論文 |
10 | | 中国の若者における日本ポピュラー文化の受容 : アニメ・ファンの受容態度からの考察|The acceptance of Japanese popular culture on the Chinese youth : An approach of the acceptance attitude on animation fans|祝, 方悦|Zhu, Fangyue|||市大社会学|The Annuals of Association, O.C.U.|12||2011-09|紀要論文 |