論文名 | Intact Four-atom Organic Tetracation Stabilized by Charge Localization in the Gas Phase |
記事種別等 | Communication |
著者名 | |
著者名(別言語) | 八ッ橋, 知幸 / 豊田, 和男 / 三ッ林, 尚哉 / 小嵜, 正敏 / 岡田, 惠次 / 中島, 信昭 |
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抄録・内容(英) | Several features distinguish intact multiply charged molecular cations (MMCs) from other species such as monocations and polycations: high potential energy, high electron affinity, a high density of electronic states with various spin multiplicities, and charge-dependent reactions. However, repulsive Coulombic interactions make MMCs quite unstable, and hence small organic MMCs are currently not readily available. Herein, we report that the isolated four-atom molecule diiodoacetylene survives after the removal of four electrons via tunneling.... |
備考 | This research was supported financially in part by JST PRESTO program, JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers JP26620014, JP24227002, JP26107002. |
言語 | eng |
ページ開始 | 2977 |
ページ終了 | 2981 |
キーワード(日) | |
キーワード(英) | |
著者版フラグ | author |
著者所属(英) | Osaka City University, Japan Science and Technology Agency / Osaka City University / Osaka City University / Osaka City University / Osaka City University / Osaka City University |
1人目の著者情報 : KAKEN | |
1人目の著者情報 : その他 | |
2人目の著者情報 : KAKEN | |
2人目の著者情報 : その他 | |
4人目の著者情報 : KAKEN | |
4人目の著者情報 : その他 | |
5人目の著者情報 : KAKEN | |
5人目の著者情報 : その他 | |
6人目の著者情報 : KAKEN | |
6人目の著者情報 : その他 | |
収録物名 | |
巻 | |
号 | |
刊行年月 | 2016-10-05 |
出版社 | Wiley |
ISSN | 1439-7641 |
雑誌書誌ID(NII) | AA1161745X  |
資料種別 | |
資料種別(英語) | Journal Article |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1002/cphc.201600555 |
権利 | This is the peer reviewed version of the following article:YATSUHASHI T, TOYOTA K, MITSUBAYASHI N, KOZAKI M, OKADA K, & NAKASHIMA N. (2016). Intact Four-atom Organic Tetracation Stabilized by Charge Localization in the Gas Phase. Chemphyschem : a European Journal of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry. 17, 2977-2981. , which has been published in final form at http://doi.org/10.1002/cphc.201600555 . This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving. This is not the published version. Please cite only the published version. この論文は出版社版でありません。引用は出版社版をご利用ください。 |
異版である | |